As you may or may not know, I developed a stand-alone (no gadget required) app for smartphone in 2013 called Sleep On Cue. It is based on a scientific technique called intensive sleep retraining, developed by sleep researchers in Australia, and my app is a home version of it.

In episode 22 of my Sleep On It! podcast, I describe the process of intensive sleep retraining, based around repeated short sleep trials. It’s basically a way to practice falling asleep and reverse the conditioned response of becoming alert when going to bed that many people with insomnia feel, and it can also be a great supplement to a course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI).

I invite you to check out my Sleep On Cue app on the Apple App Store store!

‘Til Morning,

The Harpoleptic


4 Responses

  1. Hmmmm, I have sleep insomnia for over 50 yrs. I just saw this and will give it a try. Here’s to hoping something works.

  2. I LOVE the app. Been helping so much.
    Why is the app now saying it’s not available in my region?

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I slept great the last two nights! I shut off the computer a little after nine and read. Then I dont even think about going to bed until my eyelids are heavy. I feel really hopeful now for the first time in a long time!
Julia, New York