When you are having trouble sleeping, you can feel as though you are alone in the struggle.  The experience of long, wake-filled nights can be difficult to share with friends or family.  Sharing your struggle with others can dramatically help!

I am working on offering 1-day Sleep Retreats:

OPTION 1: Join me in beautiful southern Oregon!

OPTION 2: Got a group?  I’ll bring a sleep retreat to you!

Go beyond all the do’s and don’ts you’ve heard about sleep.  Tap into my 30+ years of professional, educational and clinical experience, and discover how my unique approach can help make your sleep effortless and restorative.  Hear the experiences of others who share similar struggles in a comfortable, welcoming, small-group environment.

This is not a boring, dry seminar.  This is an engaging event that will have you identifying the root causes of your sleep struggles and the cognitive and behavioral strategies proven to help you sleep!

End your struggle for sleep.  Forever.

‘Til Morning,



Click here!