
In previous posts, I have described different strategies for overcoming insomnia and about SleepQ, our research-based sleep training app we are developing to help people rapidly regain confidence in their sleep and to help people lessen their dependence on sleeping pills.  Today I thought I’d share some findings from a recent international sleep poll that shed light on the scope of the sleep disorders epidemic and a summary of some sleep habits in the six countries surveyed:  United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan). While some some of the items surveyed seem to me a bit frivolous (e.g., what scent helps you get to sleep?), there are some interesting and insightful findings.  As you will discover, sleep disorders are a big problem not just in America (well-documented in the annual NSF Sleep In America poll), but world-wide.

Although sleep is recognized as one of the three pillars of health (along with nutrition and exercise), with the exception of Japan less than half of the adults in the countries surveyed indicated they slept well most nights.  Adults in the US and Japan reported sleeping about a half hour less than the other countries.  Which country reports needing the most sleep to feel refreshed?  Mexico, at a little over eight hours.  One in ten of UK respondents reported they never sleep well on work nights.  About a third of US, UK and German adults reported rarely or never sleeping through the night in the last two weeks.  Country with the most trouble falling asleep?  The UK.  But Canadians were most likely to think about work stress while falling asleep.

Americans were the most likely group to wake on time in the morning.  Adults in Mexico were more likely to report waking refreshed most mornings.  About one in ten adults in Japan and Mexico reported sleeping with no pillow.  Germans were much more likely to report sleeping better when they aired out their bedroom, which most Germans surveyed reported doing each day.  Japan was the most likely to use a computer or tablet before bed and the least likely to meditate or pray before bed.  Japan adults also were least likely to report significant negative effects of a poor night of sleep.  Biggest nappers?  The US and the UK.

Surveys and polls are often only semi-scientific, but they are interesting.  And this poll is no exception.  And if you are an American reading this blog post, you are evidence of this final poll result:  Americans were the group most frequently searching for sleep-related information online.  Glad you found!

Til Morning,





2 Responses

  1. As a lifetime insomniac, I really hope you guys get funded, that would be great. Good luck. I signed up for your mailing list.

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I slept great the last two nights! I shut off the computer a little after nine and read. Then I dont even think about going to bed until my eyelids are heavy. I feel really hopeful now for the first time in a long time!
Julia, New York