SOC Homescreen image1 Simulator Screen Shot 16-Oct-2015, 11.26.32 AM

One week ago a new version of the Sleep On Cue app for iPhone was released!  You may have noticed the name change from “SleepQ”, and the new color scheme.  The name is more intuitive, and the color change reduces glare.  Other great upgrades were also incorporated, all for a much better experience for the user.  We’re really proud of the new version, so be sure to upgrade soon! 

This winter, we will embark on a campaign to inform/educate sleep clinicians about the app and it’s usefulness in helping people get off and stay off sleeping medication. This is done by occasional 1-2 hour sleep training sessions around bedtime, following poor nights of sleep.  Sleep training increases ability and awareness of falling asleep, which in turn lowers a person’s dependency on medication for sleep. Non-drug therapy for chronic insomnia has been shown conclusively to be the best method for better sleep.

Another exciting development is the collaboration between us here at MicroSleep, LLC and the behavioral sleep research group at Flinders University in Adelaide Australia.  This group did the original research upon which the Sleep On Cue app is based.  The group plans to use the app in an upcoming study of Intensive Sleep Retraining next spring.  In addition to exploring new protocols for ISR, the study will serve as the first clinical trial of the app, so this is very exciting!  Look for more information about this next year.

Finally, the website is a bit “under construction” as we implement new screenshots, logo, etc., for the new app.  We would like to highlight the different menu options on the site:  FAQ (very important to for first-time app users to read), Sleep Coaching (1-on-1 via cell or Skype), and Workshops (on-site).  MicroSleep, LLC has many options for learning to sleep on cue!  

Til Morning,




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I slept great the last two nights! I shut off the computer a little after nine and read. Then I dont even think about going to bed until my eyelids are heavy. I feel really hopeful now for the first time in a long time!
Julia, New York